
jueves, julio 12, 2012

Aviation Biofuels Development2-3 October, 2012, Embassy Row Hotel, Washington DC


Conference Brochure

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Industry Role *
I am interested in the following:

Fill in your details on the right hand side to find out more about the Aviation Biofuels Development Conference. As well as the online e-brochure, you will recieve:

  • Updates about the conference, who's going and new speakers as they are announced so you can make an informed choice about your attendance
  • Free content including, podcasts, webinar and whitepapers to ensure you don't miss a trick
  • Up to date news and views from the industry

Highlights of the conference:

  • World class industry leaders from companies such as Bombardier, DOE, UOP Honeywell and A4A... who will share their knowledge and experience with you
  • Top case study driven presentations on how to build a commercial supply chain. This is not a conference where biofuels producers lecture biofuels producers. This is an opportunity to build the relationships between the biofuels, aerospace, airline and government bodies to ensure the pioneering projects of today develop into a profitable, commercial market.
  • Strong presence from fuel buyers including the military, commercial airlines and large fleets

Simply fill in your details to receive further information on why, who and what to expect at the Aviation Biofuels Development Conference 2012.

***Please Note - your details will not be rented, sold or distributed by FC Business Intelligence***

Oliver Saunders Oliver Saunders
FC Business Intelligence
+44 (0) 207 375 7185

Rodrigo González Fernández
Diplomado en "Responsabilidad Social Empresarial" de la ONU
Diplomado en "Gestión del Conocimiento" de la ONU
Diplomado en Gerencia en Administracion Publica ONU
Diplomado en Coaching Ejecutivo ONU( 
 CEL: 93934521
Santiago- Chile
Soliciten nuestros cursos de capacitación  y consultoría en GERENCIA ADMINISTRACION PUBLICA -LIDERAZGO -  GESTION DEL CONOCIMIENTO - RESPONSABILIDAD SOCIAL EMPRESARIAL – LOBBY – COACHING EMPRESARIAL-ENERGIAS RENOVABLES   ,  asesorías a nivel nacional e  internacional y están disponibles  para OTEC Y OTIC en Chile

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